How Jean Edrada Empowers the Higher Self in Service of Collective Healing
Jean Edrada is a Registered Yoga Teacher, board member of the Cannabis Equity Illinois Coalition, Spirit Lab facilitator, member of the Sana Healing Collective and co-founder of the social impact creative studio, Radical Womxn. Through each of these outlets, Jean aims to “guide the higher self in service of the greater good.”

Personal wellbeing in times of Covid
With a brand new year here, it would be nice to ditch some worries and work on our well being! I bet almost none of us realized how fast this year has gone by, so let’s make the best of what’s to come as we have each other.

Summer Wellness Challenge
For the month of August, we invite our communities to join us in the #FeelWellDoWell summer wellness challenge.

Gina Joseph on Creativity and Healing During Quarantine
Meet this wellness influencer, yoga teacher and entrepreneur shining her light across industries.