DIY Effortless Beauty Masks
by Elsa Johnson
Image source: Behance
What do you do when you are home with nowhere to go? Face masks, duh!
I find DIY beauty to be intimidating, with ingredients from places I don’t know or combined in ways I didn’t think possible, so I have created a list of easy to make tried and true DIY face masks so you can feel a million bucks with easy to find fruits and veg!
I am more about low maintenance DIY face masks, these masks use only a few ingredients that can be bought once, but used multiple ways to make your skin look and feel great!
Face masks featuring avocado and yogurt are focused on plumping and moisturizing your skin, honey is antibacterial and helps heal your skin, and the scrubs are to, scrub!
Best results are achieved by using these masks a few times a week and before applying any of the masks below, clean and dry your skin, and get to it!
Image Source: Glossier
Yogurt, Honey and Oatmeal Mask*
We are talking about soothing and tightening your skin with yogurt, removing dry skin with oatmeal and adding antibacterial benefits from honey all in one mask.
1 tsb oatmeal
1 unsweetened full fat yogurt
1 a dash of honey
Image Source: @elsadj
Add the oatmeal and yogurt together in a small bowl, add warmed honey (do this my warming a spoon under hot water and add honey to the spoon). Stir together and apply to your face for 10-15 min, rinse off with warm water and moisturize!
Avo, Honey and Yogurt Face Mask*
This mask is like a collagen injection! Great for plumping your skin, and a fantastic moisturizer for oily skin.
¼ avocado
1 tsp unsweetened full fat yogurt
½ tsp honey
Mash the avocado, stir in the yogurt and honey until it becomes a delicious paste. Keep it on your face until it dries out, 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Yogurt and Lemon Mask*
This mask combines the soothing properties of yogurt with cleaning and exfoliation of lemon.
2 tsb of unsweetened full fat yogurt
3 tsp slice
Mix them together to create a paste, it might be a bit runny. Apply to your face for 20 min avoiding your eyes, rinse with warm water and moisturize! Use this mask at night as lemon can bring out spots in the sun.
Avo and Banana
All the moisture without the acid. Banana and avocados is high in hydration but without a lot of acid that can irritate your skin.
½ avocado
1 banana
Mash avocado and banana and spread on your face for 20 minutes. Highly suggest blending this if possible for a smooooth mask, you can make any extras into a delicious smoothie!
Honey and Spices
Perfect to help clear your skin of any pesky pimples, this mask has almost mystical antibacterial properties from honey.
¼ cup of honey
½ tsp of cinnamon
½ tsp of nutmeg
Warm the honey and mix ingredients all together and spread on your face for 15 minutes, rinse off with warm water. The honey and spices will help heal your skin, for extra luxurious mask, use manuka honey.
Image Source: @elsadj
Coffee Exfoliator (For all over!)
How to wake up with a double dose of caffeine.
1/2 cup of coffee grounds (reuse grounds from your morning coffee)
2 tbsp coconut oil
Dash of olive oil
¼ cup of brown sugar
Mix melted coconut oil, coffee, olive oil and brown sugar, and rub it on your body! I highly suggest doing this in the shower unless you want coffee everywhere, and it will get moldy after a few weeks so...scrub a dub dub!
Sugar Lip Scrub
Get your lips socially distance date ready with a gentle and sweet scrub!
brown sugar
coconut oil
Slightly melt coconut oil and mix with brown sugar to create a tasty lip scrub! Use however much sugar and coconut oil you think you need.
*If you are dairy intolerant you can use goat yogurt or a non dairy alternative, just keep it low sugar
**If you are able to compost your waste, you’re creating a zero waste skin routine!
Hopefully one or some of these masks work for you, I found mixing the face masks for when I need them, from exfoliating to moisturizing has kept my skin glowing in quarantine!