Climate Change and Food Security in Africa
The intersection of climate change and agriculture presents a daunting task for Africa, as the continent strives to address its growing population's nutritional needs while ensuring sustainable practices for the future. However, amid these challenges, Africa has also become a hub of innovative solutions and sustainable agriculture practices that hold promise for ensuring food security while mitigating the effects of climate change.
Is Climate Change Causing an Increase in Poaching Throughout Africa?
Africa, known for its breathtaking biodiversity and majestic wildlife, is facing an escalating poaching crisis. While poaching has been an ongoing battle, the emerging specter of climate change has worsened the situation.
What To Expect From The World Climate Summit COP27?
The Conference of the Parties, or COP, is the global climate change conference hosted by the United Nations. The purpose of the COP is to address dangerous human interference with the climate system and to determine which actions can prevent a rise in global temperatures.
Hollywood Climate Summit
The Hollywood Climate Summit week is June 23-26th both virtual and IRL in Los Angles the hub of the entertainment industry.
A Tale of Two Eco-Cities
The ambition of the eco-city is to improve the lives of people and society through environmentally minded urban planning and management. There are, essentially, two eco-cities: the eco-city in theory, and the eco-city in reality.
What’s the Environmental Impact of a Forest Fire?
There are currently over a dozen active wildfires burning in California. Each year, more individuals must evacuate their hometowns to reach safety. Though many individuals focus on forest fire prevention efforts, it’s also essential to evaluate its impact on the environment.
Giddy up folks, the SUSTAIN team is headed to Austin, Texas to attend South by Southwest 2022!
A New Phase of the Pandemic and Climate Change
Two years have passed since the pandemic started. This period of time went by extremely fast than I have ever experienced.
What My Environment Degree Taught Me and What I Had To Learn for Myself
I had to realize for myself that where our power to make change so clearly lies is with the people. I also now understand that it’s not that people don’t care or don’t want to help, but that climate solutions have been so badly communicated to them throughout history. I, myself, am included in that group. Four years ago I thought I had to get an entire university degree to understand what needed to be done.
Tune in every month for our brand new column called the Conscious and Curious, to bring to life all things sustainability as a student.
The Plastic Pandemic
Discussing our increased use of plastic packaging during COVID-19 and the revolutionary companies on the front lines
Why Don't We Have Clean Energy in America?
Without the shadow of a doubt, producing energy is the cornerstone challenge in solving climate change.
Strike Online for Earth Day 2020
Earth Day this year was supposed to be the catalyst for all climate action and future strikes of this decade, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, activists are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day online and invite anyone and everyone to join them.
COVID-19 Demonstrates the Importance of Combating Climate Change Early
Although these are the global initiatives world leaders have taken to safeguard their immediate communities against the COVID-19 pandemic, this very same protocol could be reimagined to fight against climate change.