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We often hear that youth are the generation of change. It’s not a new sentiment, but it’s one that has overwhelmingly been applied to my generation, Generation-Z. We initiate much-needed dialogue, have an innate sense of entrepreneurship, and we brave rain and wind rather than waiting for storms to pass. I wholeheartedly agree. In fact, many of the most driven, goal-oriented people I know can’t yet vote. However, as a member of this generation, it can be highly intimidating to “make change” (the phrase we all use, yet often fail to define). Throughout this column, where I’ll discuss my experiences with sustainability and environmentalism through the lens of a Gen-Z student, my goal is not to speak for all of my peers, but to tell my own story.

I have a feeling we’ll be getting to know each other over the next few months as I discuss the small things we all do, the big things I’m starting to do, and the gigantic things we can collectively achieve, so I’ll start off with an introduction. My name is Dylan, I use she/her pronouns, and I’m an advocate for the planet and all of its inhabitants. Though I don’t exactly have my elevator pitch or LinkedIn introduction mastered yet, I truly am just a person dedicated to doing my best for the Earth and the people who call it home. 

I’m a high school student soon to be a college student, and forever a student of the shifting dynamics of the environments surrounding me. I’m always game for plant-based snacks and long hikes with friends, and it’s not an uncommon sight to see me looking for the funniest graphic tees at the local thrift store. I love embroidery, fun socks, and nut butters, and I never learned how to ride a bike.

In the coming months, I’ll be telling you about both the tangible changes I’ve made to my routines in order to care more for people and the planet, as well as the ideological shifts I’ve experienced that have shaped my beliefs - and the people, books, and movies that have catalyzed this intellectual awakening. Before we get to ethics and consumerism, though, let’s get to know each other via a day in my life: my imperfectly-sustainable, always-conscious, ever-improving life that I am so excited to share with you and to grow all the more because of this sharing.

6:45 AM - After far too long spent pressing the snooze button on my phone alarm clock, I trudge to the sink across the hall. Using a bamboo toothbrush to brush my teeth instead of its plastic counterpart and a bar of charcoal face soap as opposed to the single-use bottles I once opted for, I prepare myself for the day. Admittedly imperfect, I use daily disposable contact lenses, but recycle both the plastic packaging and foil wrappers the lenses come in.

7:15 AM - While checking the weather and flipping through my closet, I begin playing the day’s episode Up First, a news podcast by NPR that makes me aware of the news climate of the day. It’s a fairly mild day, so I choose my favorite pair of secondhand jeans and a shirt from my current favorite closed-loop brand, For Days

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7:45 AM - Not just the most important meal of the day, but undoubtedly also my favorite meal of the day, I whip up some oatmeal with plant-based protein and frozen fruit. It’s time to start the school day, and I log on for 6 hours of class over Google Meets. Think calculus and biology plus my cat sitting on my lap - not a bad deal! Throughout the day, I consider the intersection of my subject matter with sustainability: lessons in economics, argumentative writing, and DNA replication often have profound connections to our natural world.

12:30 PM - Time to stretch my legs and get a bite to eat. Today, I went for a super quick kale salad with a maple tahini dressing. Okay, so maybe lunch is also my favorite meal of the day? PS, I’ll be sharing way more about my shift to plant-based living, how I live in a shared household with meat eaters, and the little ways in which I’ve made our kitchen a bit more sustainable in future posts.

3:00 PM - Club meetings, varsity volleyball practice, and impromptu FaceTime calls make up most of the remainder of my day. Proving that thrifted fashion isn’t just for trendy clothes, I throw on my favorite pair of running shorts that I got off of Depop before heading out the door to practice.

7:00 PM - For the rest of the night, I’m focused on practice problems, essays, worksheets, and studying. I try to read (currently about to start Braiding Sweetgrass) and take some much-needed time away from my screen. I’ve found that journaling helps me center myself mentally, and that this has direct impacts on how conscious I am not just of myself, but of my impact on the environment

Thank you for spending a day with me, and I look forward to telling you more about my observations as a slightly exhausted but extremely excited high school student. Posts on household tips for more conscious living, as well as narrative pieces about what I’ve learned on my short but sweet seventeen years on Earth are in the works.

Consciously and curiously,

Dylan :)


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