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Shave Goodbye to Plastic With Leaf Shave: A Better Razor

by Alyssa Ford

Leaf Shave stainless steel razor in rose gold with matching steel stand, pack of blades and aluminum tin for blade disposal.

Did you know that according to the EPA, about two billion plastic razors end up in landfills each year? Navigating the intersection of sustainable living and personal wellness habits can seem rather daunting; I’ve come to comprehend hair, skincare and most basic personal hygiene routines as filled with unnecessary plastic packaging and waste.

When I started making a conscious effort to practice low-waste living, I was forced to take a hard look at the products I found within my grasp. I discovered that going low-waste was nothing to be intimidated by, and is actually quite liberating and comforting.  

Growing up, I didn’t think about the mass amount of plastic bottles passing through my shower with the seasons or the plastic toothbrushes that burrowed behind the mirror. Being a conscious consumer and human simply means making informative decisions, while understanding that our purchases and lifestyle habits are bigger than ourselves. Razors were yet another check mark on the ever growing list of plastic that invaded my shelves. 

As a young girl, I felt pressured to shave my body hair as soon as I hit puberty, maybe even sooner. This was due in part to the commercials targeted at women to make us feel like we need a product to enhance ourselves, along with the patriarchal examples set by my own family and countless pop culture icons. In the end, I was just following society’s lead. It wasn’t until I got older that I realized how much I disliked this narrative that mainstream corporations present about shaving. Suddenly the veil lifted, causing a major self evaluation and a Marie Kondo-esque clean-out of my products. 

Leaf Shave is one solution to the razor problem. They offer a three blade, solid metal razor for everyone and anywhere. There is no cringey or stereotypical marketing forced upon any gender, just a thoughtful product that works. Investing in a metal or stainless steel razor is both environmentally sound and economically beneficial. As someone who already doesn’t shave that often, a metal razor and pack of 50 blades will last me much longer than your usual disposable razor. 

To ensure optimal use of a steel razor, it is best to not store them inside the shower or let them absorb too much moisture. That’s why I appreciate Leaf’s metal stand that allows for an ideal, stand-up drying position, intended to ensure your razor’s long survival. I especially believe in supporting a company that not only gives me the choice to shave, but supplies me with reliable tools that are plastic free. 

On Leaf Shave’s website they write, “your razor is not a toy,” therefore it should not be presented or treated as such. Leaf Shave’s razors have a pivoting head that provides a silky smooth shave and easy access to even the hardest to reach places.

Leaf Shave taught me that low-waste shaving is an investment that delivers quality over quantity, environmental and economic benefits and it looks cute af’ in my bathroom. Practicing a low to zero waste lifestyle has been a blessing to my spaces. Less waste means less clutter, and more thoughtful products that serve both me and my space.

Your bathroom should be a self-care safe haven, and clunky plastic bottles and dirty disposable razors are not the move. It’s time to welcome Leaf Shave into your home with open arms. For the ultimate plastic free, sustainable shaving experience try pairing your metal razor with a zero-waste shaving cream/soap. Fat and The Moon, Package Free Shop and Lovett Sundries are some great alternatives to the typical plastic packaged shaving products. 

Photography by Jalin Abston.

Model: Alyssa Ford

In partnership with Leaf Shave.