5 Important Sustainable Certifications for a Conscious Choice

by Melanie Manard

In recent years, the growing awareness of our impact on the environment led individuals to change the way they consume. Consumers are voting with their dollars and 66% of them prefer durable and eco-friendly brands, according to a Nielsen Media Research study

With the multiplication of green certifications and labels, it can sometimes be difficult to make an enlightened choice. We gathered 5 certifications with international recognition and legitimacy. These sustainable and ethical labels certify that companies implement ethical and eco-friendly practices. 

1. The Global Organic Textile Standard, Organic Textile 

The Global Organic Textile Standard or GOTS was created in 2002 with the mission to harmonize international standards for organic fibers and textiles. The certification provides a framework of environmental and social criteria for every step of the textile’s manufacturing and distribution systems. 

The GOTS' high environmental standards ban the use of GMO seeds, pesticides, herbicides, and other hazardous chemicals as well as unethical practices such as child labor and precarious working conditions. Their verification processes are conducted by independent bodies. 

GOTS certification is widely adopted by clothing and bedding companies and appeals to sustainably minded customers. Today, more than 12,000 facilities are GOTS certified worldwide.


2. MADE SAFE, Non-Toxic Seal 

Since 2014, The Made Safe certification program comprehensively screens products for known harmful components. The nonprofit organization's mission is to help consumers easily find and purchase products that are non-toxic for environmental and human health. 

The certification bans over 5000 toxic chemicals such as heavy metals, reproductive toxins, VOCs, toxic solvents, carcinogens, and more. The screening process is done by an independent third party and includes a review of the product ingredients, manufacturing processes, and end-of-life disposal methods. 

Made Safe non-toxic seal guarantees the safety of products such as apparel, baby and child items, bedding, cosmetics, household, intimate and personal care, and pets.


3. FAIR TRADE, Ethical Production

Fair Trade is an international label promoting ethical business practices and empowering local producers. The first Fair Trade shop was opened in 1958 in the USA with the mission to support sustainable projects in local communities around the world. 

Nowadays, Fair Trade has developed into 25 national Fair Trade organizations selling products in 145 countries from more than 1.8m farmers and workers around the world. The certification ensures ethical and environmental practices such as fair wages, safe working conditions, and sustainably grown products. 

For consumers, Fair Trade products are synonyms for premium quality products and guarantee a fair and ethical production.


4. B Corporation, Socially and Environmentally Responsible

Founded in 2006, B Corporation or B Corp is an American certification recognized worldwide aiming to make capitalism evolve. 

The label certifies companies that meet certain social and environmental standards such as employee benefit, transparency, and accountability. B corporations should be driven by both profit and social responsibility. To become B certified, a company must comply with a rigorous process and pass the B Impact Assessment. 

This label appeals to more and more investors, clients, and customers that share a similar ethical and responsible vision. Today, there are 5,300 existing B corporations in over 83 countries, spanning 156 industries.


5. The Forest Stewardship Council, Responsibly Managed Forests

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international label supporting the sustainable management of the world's forests. Since 1993, the label has been fighting the spread of deforestation and its detrimental impact on the planet, biodiversity, and local communities. 

FSC established strict sustainable and ethical standards for the management of forests and certifies products that meet those norms. FSC-certified products are verified to come from well-managed forests that ensure environmental, social, and economic benefits. 

The FSC logo is a guarantee for consumers that the item they are purchasing comes from eco-friendly and ethically sourced materials. Today the Forest Stewardship Council certifies more than 200 million hectares of forests in the world.

Melissa Manard

Melanie Manard is the founder of The Conscious Insider, a digital platform for sustainable and ethical lifestyle. You can usually find her reading, cooking or riding her bike.


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