Unveiling Veggiekins
Food Guest User Food Guest User

Unveiling Veggiekins

As a holistic nutritionist, Remy features whole food plant based ingredients and the healing power of plants on Veggiekins. She did not think it was possible for the food she ate to be veganized so she began to lean more into creating a new category for recipe ideas. Remy found that people actually were really appreciative of something new and different.

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Confessions of a Former Vegan
Food Juliana Sebben Food Juliana Sebben

Confessions of a Former Vegan

Whether you identify as a carnivore, an omnivore, a vegan, or (like me, just to keep things simple) a picky eater, remember that the “best diet” is the one closest to home and that the gift of food is rife with opportunity to heal.

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Food Safell Sigüeñas Food Safell Sigüeñas


I walked down the stairs, and right across the exit, there it was… an aesthetic building with big letters that read QWNS CAFE.

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Akua's Kelp Jerky
Food Samantha Tassone Food Samantha Tassone

Akua's Kelp Jerky

My biggest dilemma is always: what do I snack on that’s actually healthy and delicious? I think I’ve found my soon-to-be solution: Kelp Jerky by AKUA

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Laughing in Disbelief
Food Stephen Troiano Food Stephen Troiano

Laughing in Disbelief

And then there’s Jajaja, which takes this idea and applies it to location, décor and cuisine. The Lower East Side, year old, plant-based Mexican restaurant formerly housed a Chinese bakery and a corner bodega.

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Served, Toad Style
Food Stephen Troiano Food Stephen Troiano

Served, Toad Style

I popped my head into the kitchen in search for co-owner Tyler Merfeld to pick his brain about veganism, the industry and his own personal health.

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