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6 Sustainability Tips for Pescatarians

by Oscar Collins

Living a pescatarian lifestyle is an excellent way to support the planet and your health. You won’t fund industries that harm the environment by producing beef and chicken products, but you should still research your options before making your next meal.

Read our guide to learn six sustainability tips for pescatarians that want to ensure their diet is good for the environment.

1. Learn About Fish Populations

When you became a pescatarian, you likely read about the most abundant fish species. Buying those types of fish means you’re not eating more at-risk populations, but that information will change with time.

Keep up-to-date on which fish species are most at risk and most abundant so your diet doesn’t inadvertently hurt the animal kingdom with out-of-date information.

2. Research Sustainable Fishing Resources

Brands may say that they’re mindful about their fishing practices, but how do you know if they’re telling the truth? Look into the specific ways they catch their fish. There are numerous ways to fish without relying on methods that destroy fish populations or the environment.

Experts estimate that companies will launch 7,000 satellites by 2027, so satellite remote sensing will become an even more common way to fish sustainably. Companies can always use the latest technology to improve their sustainability and carbon footprint, but it’s up to consumers to research brands that seek these opportunities without public pressure or outcry.

3. Look for Sourcing Pledges

Seafood brands that want to help the environment will explain how they source their fish without depleting the food chain. If they use massive fishing methods like trawling, their actions will prove that their words don’t mean much. Some companies will say one thing and do another, so consumers must research during their free time.

Brands can post sourcing pledges and use new technology to put their words into action. They can strategically catch their fish to promote the species’ growth and help feed the 3 billion people who rely on seafood for their entire diet. Check for eco-friendly sourcing pledges and proof that each company uses the latest technology to improve its business practices.

4. Catch Your Fish

Anyone who lives near rivers or lakes where people fish should consider catching what they need for their meals. All you need to do is find a rod and fishing tackle box before learning how to cast your line and reel in your dinner. This is one of the sustainability tips for pescatarians that people often overlook, but it’s a valid option for anyone who lives near existing fish populations.

Keep in mind that fishing regulations may change in your area depending on the existing natural stock. Some areas may also restrict fishing for the purpose of eating. Check with your local government to ensure you only catch and eat fish in legally approved locations.

5. Review Your Shopping Routine

Do you drive your car to the grocery store multiple times per week? How you access your groceries could expand your carbon footprint even with a green diet. Consider biking instead, carpooling with friends, or using public transportation.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) rates subways and commuter railways as the most energy-efficient transportation options for people in big cities, but that isn’t your only option. Talk with your friends and research the transportation available where you live to make your lifestyle align with your eco-friendly goals.

6. Keep an Open Mind

When you started your pescatarian lifestyle, you had enough curiosity to learn how you’d adjust your diet to become more sustainable. Maintain that curiosity and keep an open mind even after sticking with a fish-based diet for years.

You’ll remain an avid reader of new eco-friendly fishing technologies, industry leaders, and sustainable companies that will help you make smarter decisions as the world advances.

Learn Sustainability Tips for Pescatarians

Anyone can use these sustainability tips for pescatarians to live a greener lifestyle. Read the latest information on fishing practices, reflect on the carbon footprint of your current routine, and seek proof of each brand’s efforts to go green to put your beliefs into action.