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What Your Astrology Says About You This Earth Day

By Zibby Trewartha-Weiner

If you are anything like me, astrology may help you make sense of the inner workings of society, spirituality, and the planet. On a day like Earth Day, astrology helps me to consider how the universe is impacting the way we perceive this complicated holiday. On one hand it is a wonderful time to thank Mother Earth for protecting all her inhabitants and for sharing with her beauty. However, it is also a day to face the impending consequences of climate change and take responsibility for our impact on the planet. As I reflected on this year's holiday, I looked to astrology to break down the three big influences of this day - the Rising sign, Sun sign, and Moon sign. We each will interact differently with these signs depending on our own charts, but I like to think that, as a collective, we are all feeling the impact of these three signs similarly. I hope that as we enter another Earth Day astrology will help us think honestly about how to serve Mother Earth and uplift all beings who call her home. 

Rising in Sagittarius 

Starting off Earth Day at midnight on April 22nd, Sagittarius will send us into the holiday as the Rising sign in the sky. Many of us are told that your rising sign is your outward self or your mask, but really your rising sign is just as impactful as the sun sign as it is the first sign to make an impact on your chart. Sagittarius Rising will make a large first impression on how we celebrate Earth Day this year. Sagittarius is the last fire sign of the zodiac and being ruled by Jupiter makes this sign especially optimistic. This may mean that we will enter Earth Day with an essence of ambition and eagerness to get involved. Fueled with Sagittarius’ fiery energy, Earth Day 2022 will inspire us to move with curiosity and find the spaces where we can engage with our community and a shared mission of sustainability. Let the luck of Jupiter send us into an Earth Day of hopefulness and let the motivation of this fire sign inspire your Earth Day action. Take part in SUSTAIN’s Earth Month initiative and fill a local community fridge, attend a local event like this Upcycling event at MOMA Ps1

Sun in Taurus 

Earth Day, very conveniently, ushers us into the first earth sign of the zodiac - Taurus season. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, and symbolized as the steady bull - Taurus season brings with it a sense of loyalty and commitment to the things and people we love. As it relates to earth day, it's likely that we will feel an intense fascination with all the beauty that Mother earth has to offer. This is why your Instagram feed is overflowing with everyone's favorite hiking pic, travel shot, or backyard view. Try not to get too irritated, people are feeling an intensified sense of appreciation and deep love for the planet and all her beauty. However, maybe it's a good idea to center in on the grounded-ness of Taurus season - put your phone away and step outside. As we know, climate activists can’t do the work without a bit of joy - take this day to celebrate Earth Day the Taurus way. Enjoy a picnic in the park with your favorite local produce, some organic (ethically sourced) wine, and your best earth conscious friends. 

Moon in Capricorn 

This Earth Day, 2022 we celebrate with the moon in the last Earth sign of the zodiac calendar: Capricorn. Moon sign illustrates one's needs especially as it relates to our emotions. Like Taurus, Capricorn is known for its commitment and loyalty, but it is uniquely focused on growth, change and seeing results. This year, our third Earth Day in a Global Pandemic, it is likely that as a society we are feeling more oriented towards making things happen. Whatever it is, it is possible that this Earth Day we are moving away from performative methods of celebration and instead looking to engage in climate action protests, seek out and fight for climate legislation, or make large scale changes to our lifestyles that benefit the earth. Capricorn moon doesn't do well sitting on the sidelines - this year let Earth Day inspire you to make a difference. Maybe start by exploring careers in climate action on Kristy Drutman’sGreen Jobs Board.