Five Youth-Led Organizations Using Tech to Combat Plastic Pollution In Africa
African youth are taking action to combat the serious problem of plastic pollution on the continent. With an estimated 100 million tons of waste generated in Africa each year, much of it plastic, inadequate waste management infrastructure has led to pollution of waterways and harm to wildlife

Environmental Education is a Necessity for African Youths
Environmental pollution is a growing problem in Africa, with millions of people exposed to harmful pollutants that affect their health, livelihoods and the environment.

Used Vehicles in Africa: Environmental and Climate Threat
The majority of the used vehicles imported into the continent are old and outdated models that would have been banned from use in the countries they originated from. The poorly maintained roads coupled with the lack of proper waste management systems, result in the release of toxic chemicals into the air, soil and water contributing to the long-term impacts of climate change.

Plastic Is Not the Enemy (Copy)
We should always make an effort in finding plastic-free alternatives and reducing plastic pollution, but we should understand that not all plastic is created equal.

What Is Stopping Men from Being Green?
Over the last few years several studies have been published that link toxic masculinity with climate denial and a hesitancy to live sustainably. When it comes to climate change, this challenge of masculinity enters a new territory, where men are either reluctant to make sustainable choices or actively make polluting ones, finding confidence in bravado and provocation.

Why the Environmental Movement Needs USPS
If you’ve paid any attention to politics or have spent time scrolling through Instagram this summer, you’ve likely heard way more about the United States Postal Service than you’re used to.