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Four Questions to Ask Before Buying From a Business

by Cora Gold

Before you purchase from a business, you may have questions about its sustainability. When you practice minimalism and purchase with intention, knowing a company’s stance on sustainability can help put your mind at ease.

Like-minded, eco-friendly businesses can assure you that they are doing their part in maintaining a green environment. These are some questions you might want to ask before you decide where to buy from.

Where are your products shipped from?

Local businesses are often excellent sources of being as environmentally friendly as possible. However, some still get their products shipped from a far distance.

Asking where products ship from can give you a better idea of how much gas and carbon emissions they’re using to transport the products you are looking to buy. Purchasing things that travel shorter distances to reach you is ideal for sustainability purposes.

Does your business support a charity?

Many businesses donate to charities or support a cause. By asking the right questions, you can find out if a portion of your purchases are going toward something you can get behind.

Finding businesses that support something you are passionate about can assist in your purchasing decisions. Do your research and find companies that give back to the community in ways you can help by choosing to purchase from them.

How eco-friendly are your products?

Some businesses carry products from multiple carriers in different locations. That is why when you ask where they get their products, the answers can be vague or differ depending on specific products.

If a company sources eco-friendly products, they’re likely to be transparent about where they’re coming from. Some companies will say on their website if they source from eco-friendly farms or follow fair trade practices. If a business is vague about their production process, chances are you won’t want to support their practices.

What packaging do you use?

While plastic is a leading contributor to pollution, the companies producing it are the ones you need to look at. They can make a change toward sustainable options.

The chemical industry critically enables the circular flow of recyclable and reusable materials. There are some negative customer sentiments regarding the chemical industry it needs to combat. About 26% of participants ranked chemical companies as the least concerned about their impacts on the environment, a conducted survey showed.

Roughly 77% of these participants believe plastic is the least eco-friendly packaging material widely used today. If you’re one of these people — which could be likely — take a look at how a business packs its products. Do they use a lot of plastic? If so, is it recycled or reusable in some way? Is the company they get plastic from working towards bettering the environment?

Ask the Right Questions Before You Buy

Consumers’ shopping habits widely contribute to a healthier environment, but putting forth the effort to find eco-friendly products is only half the battle. Alternatives to products with harmful effects on the environment are out there. You just have to research and find businesses with the same initiatives as yours.