Four Gifts You Can Still Get Mama From Quarantine
We brought in conscious curator, Diandra Marizet, to help us find last minute mother’s day gifts full of love & intention.
We’re all living life between our bedrooms, our balconies, and well...the grocery store. Life has understandably been a little hectic, and you still need a gift for mother’s day. Don’t fret, there are still some thoughtful gifts you can get for mom whether you are quarantined with her or not.
That DIY Kind of Love
We’re minimizing the amount of trips we make to the store, so next time you find yourself at the grocery store, there are plenty of quick and easy ingredients you can pick up for a great DIY gift.
Photo source by @thecabindiary
Quarantine mode has me suggesting a custom deodorizing room spray. Cleaning supplies for a mom? I know….it’s hella cliche, but this pandemic has our sanity so heavily reliant upon feeling clean, so we’re leaning on the mental healing powers of scent and cleanliness hard. Pro-Tip: You can either reuse an old empty spray bottle or get a new one. Either way, you can decorate it for a custom touch that will have mom melting every time she cleans your room after saying she wouldn’t.
What you’ll need:
1 tablespoon Baking Soda
2-3 drops of Essential Oil (peep your current cleaning supply stock to see what her fav scents are)
8-12 oz. Distilled Water
*Mix your oils & baking soda together. Funnel the mixture into the bottle. Add your distilled water & shake.
Green Goddess Gift
Photo source by @apieceofrainbow
There’s nothing like an experiment that requires daily check-ins to soothe the boredom of quarantine. To thank mom for all that cooking she’s been doing, you can take her favorite veggies, cook her a bomb meal, and make her a veggie regrowth station from all the scraps.
Here’s a list of my favorite veggies that can be regrown from scraps:
Scallions (Green Onions)
Operation Tech-Mama
Photo by @DiandraMarizet
If your mom is like mine, she is in some serious need of tech optimization. We’re so accustomed to adopting every new hack, but how many of our mom’s aren’t tech savvy enough to groom their everyday online experiences? My mom has gone above and beyond to make sure her kiddos don’t have to cook, clean, or run errands when we’re busy doing school and work things, so it seemed only fitting that I help my mom streamline her everyday. Here’s how I did it:
Passwords: Having multiple passwords is PAINFUL but it’s so important to have different passwords to prevent hacking. My mom can’t remember passwords to save her life (who can?), so I got her a journal to safekeep all her passwords and did the grunt work of resetting EVERY SINGLE ONE.
Auto Logins: I helped mama set up her face and finger recognitions, and auto-saved all app usernames and passwords (with the exception of banking apps).
Wallpaper Updates: I updated all her devices’ wallpaper images. I don’t even want to think about how many years she’s had the same pictures on there.
Exploration: I created my mom a youtube and pinterest account because why not? We had so much fun creating new pinterest boards for her home inspo and finding old school playlists on youtube from her favorite artists.
Bookmarks: I added all my mom’s most used website’s to her bookmarks bar so she could have easy access.
Bonus: Unsubscribing from emails. When I started operation tech-mama, my mom had over 3000+ unread emails. Talk about spam. I adjusted subscription settings & unsubscribed from tons of unnecessary emails that were flooding her inbox. I’ll definitely continue to go back and do this a few times over the next few months.
This whole project took a few hours of coffee and laughs between me and mama.
A Pretty Little Package
Photo source by @aurorajames
We know our moms best, and safe to say that not every mother dearest is the DIY type. Maybe what she needs is the excitement of a meaningful surprise awaiting her in the mail. Sustainable fashion sweetheart, Aurora James, recently announced the launch of “something special”, a loving extension of her footwear brand, Brother Vellies. In celebration of slow and sustainable sourcing, Aurora is giving us the opportunity to bring timeless artisanal pieces into our everyday lives. Gift mama a few month’s of sustainably sourced surprises.